Tutoring for Nursing

Tutoring for Nursing

Good afternoon, 
I am in the nursing program and interested in tutoring for Pathophysiology in the fall/winter. I would like to learn more about the details of this job listing and explore whether it would work for me. My limitations are that I live in Eugene and commute to Roseburg for all class work/clinical experiences so my preferred mode of tutoring would be online via Zoom or FaceTime. 
Please let me know if there is a need for a Pathophysiology tutor and what the details of the position are. 
Thank you,

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We do have opportunities for online tutoring as well as in person tutoring. We are in great need of nursing program tutors for several subjects. If you go to this link https://www.schooljobs.com/careers/umpquacommunitycollege?keywords=success, you will see listings for both of our Success Center tutoring positions that are available. Take a look at those and see what you think. The non-student worker position is limited to 10 hrs per week while the student worker position can be up to 19 hrs per week. It depends on need and scheduling what that will look like. If you have any further questions, please don't hesitate to contact me at tutoring@umpqua.edu. 

  • Last Updated Aug 01, 2023
  • Views 13
  • Answered By Karri Miller

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